E3 Guide - Table of Contents
From Project Lazarus Wiki
The E3 guide is quite a massive document. This table of contents will help break it out into separate pages to assist with load times.
E3 Table of Contents[edit]
- Initial Download and Setup
- Bot INIs and Macro INIs
- Only & Not
- Basic Commands
- Abilities
- Assist Settings
- Combat Mode
- Heals
- Heal Chain
- Cures
- Buffs
- Nukes
- DOTs
- Debuffs
- Special Class Functions
- Pets
- DPS Burns
- AutoTribute
- Other INI Functions
- Loot Settings
- Tradeskill Functions
- Tanking
- Auto Assist
- Ports & PortTo
- EXPGroup
- Rezzing & Wait4Rez
- Guild Lobby Corpse Summon Script
- Background Functions
- SmoothMoves
- SpellSets
- Ifs - Custom Conditions
- Customizing Your Bots Role
- Updating E3 & Debugging
- Credits